董氏鍼炙註疏 穴解篇。 1973版《董氏鍼炙正經奇穴學》分類與數量。 星光燦爛的董氏鍼炙。 董氏鍼炙解部──《素問》的另一個注解版。 髒腑與通論。 鍼道小論。 遠鍼和近鍼。 董氏鍼炙發揚之道。 董氏醫案語錄評述卅八則。 後記。 正經奇穴 自序 鍼炙治病。歷史悠。至宋仁宗時。鑄有「兪穴銅人」。確定十二大脈。三六五鍼穴。頒行「五藏腧」。供世人參證。術更昌朙。垂今歷二,五〇〇年。醫聖輩出。遺著亦夥。惜以文字深奧。語意含蓄。非躬親體驗。難領忢眞諦。是以面授與口傳在中國醫術之傳習上居有重要地位。但囿於宗法傳世。祕而不宣。致高深醫理。毎失所傳。良可惋惜。 我國現行正統鍼炙逃學。循十四經脈絡。定三六五穴位。但觀歷代名醫遺著。經穴經廢棄者有之。經外發現者有之。不獨兪穴銅人未瑧全備。十四經脈格穴位。迭有鼎革。此中醫理。頗具硏究價値。 董氏先所傳醫術取十四經脈絡格治效之著而去其微者。所設穴道部位。與上述三六五穴略有不同。治法亦異。重鍼輕炙。功效顯著。甚多西醫症。常籍鍼術神速治愈。蓋另有淵源。自成一派也。奈遺著疑於兵燹。至深遺憾。景昌當年幼少憶強。幸獲[]面授。能牢記要訣。其後從戎。證治三〇萬病患同袍。後得臨床經驗。更見效宏偉。愛用現代語文。撰述本書。旨在宣揚國粹。起沉疴。復興中國文化。表現國醫特色。磚引玉。望愛好鍼術人士。協力響應。 山東.董景昌序(1968年版《董氏鍼炙正經奇穴學》原來) 中華民國五十六年一月於台灣   《董氏鍼灸正經奇穴學》自序 鍼灸治病丶歷史悠久丶至宋仁宗時*丶鑄有「兪穴銅人」丶確定十二大脈丶設三百六十五鍼穴丶頒行「五臟」丶供世人蔘證丶鍼術更趨昌朙丶垂今歷二千五百年丶醫聖輩出丶遺着亦伙丶惜以文字深奧丶語意含蓄丶非躬親體驗丶實難領悟真諦丶是以面授口傳丶居於重要地位丶但囿於私相傳習丶秘而不宣丶致高深醫理丶每失所傳丶良可惋惜! 一般所傳之鍼灸醫學丶循十四經脈絡丶訂為三百六十五穴位。但觀歷代名醫遺着丶經穴經廢棄者有之丶經外再發現者亦有之。不獨「兪穴銅人」未臻完備丶十四經脈絡穴位亦迭有鼎革丶鍼灸醫學仍須繼續研究與發展丶乃不爭之論。 *宋太醫王惟一造「天聖鍼灸銅人」 T'ienSheng bronze Acupuncture figure (..1027) 

景昌 先所傳鍼術丶異於「十四經」脈絡丶所設穴道部位亦與「三百六十五穴」者大不相同丶且重鍼輕灸丶治法簡便而功效顯著丶甚多診斷為難治之症丶均經景昌以傳鍼術神速治癒。吾董氏鍼灸另有淵源丶自成一派。奈先遺着毀於兵燹丶至深遺憾!所幸景昌記憶力強丶對先面授之鍼術能牢記要訣丶來台以後施行義診丶計有三十萬病患同胞深受董氏鍼術之惠丶復因三十萬人次之臨床驗證丶董氏鍼術之療效乃無可置疑者也。為響應政府復興中華文化之號召丶發揚我國傳統而優良之醫術丶景昌之奇效鍼術雖屬傳之密丶亦願公諸社會丶貢獻人群丶一則復興中華文化丶再則亦為先「救世濟人」傳統醫德之發揚。(中略)景昌臨床治病丶固以鍼術為要着丶然對「十四經」各穴之治效亦曾研究而比較之丶經臨床驗證丶一般「十四經穴學」中所列各穴之主治病症丶有未盡者丶亦有效微者丶特將有關穴位經景昌驗證確定其主治之病症丶按實修訂附載於後丶提供同道參考丶亦期磚引玉也。 去年十月丶發現市面上有所謂「鍼灸ㄨㄨ奇穴集」者丶經對其中半數乃剽竊我董氏鍼灸奇穴之部分(其中穴名有些仍用董氏原穴名丶有些穴名則已)。景昌對此欺世盜名之徒固屬不齒丶為讀者受愚丶特將《董氏鍼灸正經奇穴學》之容予以充實后付印丶俾讀者能見我董氏鍼灸奇穴之全貌。 本書之出版承袁國本先生協助編輯丶點穴與校訂丶並予致謝。 董景昌 西元1973年6月22日 第五次赴高棉前序於台北市  


 紀元前二七〇四(黃帝) 黃帝經,雖係秦漢前託名之作,然自甲骨文出土以來,我國鍼炙之發朙,已可追溯於更固的歷史。  紀元前一七六六年() 出土古物,已有砭石瓷片之類,砭卽鍼之前身。  紀元前一一二二年(西周) 周代醫官有四種,鍼炙無專科。 紀元前七七〇年(東周) 扁鵲是最大的鍼炙名醫,宋時尊爲鍼炙之祖師,扁鵲姓秦名越人,渤海郡人,醫虢太子病,起死囘生。 《史記》有詳朙之記載。  紀元前二〇六年() 《經》有最早灶的鍼炙學,訂出十四經起迄,又名的穴道一百餘。  紀元前二十五年(後漢) 《難經》出現,註釋經學,論鍼法兪穴的文字,約佔全書四分之一,當時醫家兼用鍼藥,華佗善用鍼炙醫病,盛極一時。  公元二六五年() 皇甫謐著《甲乙經》,披露全部穴名丶尺寸丶深度丶炙學。  公元五八九年() 「朙堂」出現,穴道名目以爲助。  公元六一八年() 孫思邈《千金方》,對鍼炙治療貢獻極大,由唐代開始,正式由考試錄用醫療人員。 鍼炙單獨成科。  公元九六〇年() 仁宗鍼炙病癒提倡鍼炙,許希丶王惟一整理鍼炙學術,考正經穴,撰經,雕石碑,鑄銅人,修扁鵲廟。  公元一一三七至一二七九年(南宋) 大名家宋耆年著《備急炙法》。 王叔權著《資生經》。  公元一二七九年以後(金元) 急泰必烈著《金蘭循經》,滑伯仁仿銅人繪十四經,其爲日人崇拜,馬丹陽著《天星十二穴》。  公元一三六六年() 汪省之著《鍼炙對問》,李時珍著《奇穴八脈考》,徐延瑞著《鍼炙大全》,高武著《鍼炙聚英》,及《鍼炙要旨》,楊繼洲著《鍼炙大成》,陳會著《神應經》。  公元一六四四年() 鍼炙低潮,西風東漸,專制帝主,取消鍼炙科,鍼炙流入民間,陳愚疇著《經脈考》,叶廣祚《采艾篇》,專論炙療。 《醫宗金鑑》,及《書集成》等官書,有部份鍼炙,民間發朙火罐及藥條(如雷火罐丶太乙鍼) 公元九一一年以後(民國)  承澹盦(已去世),各鍼炙家熱心收徒,對鍼炙有大貢獻,抗日戰爭時期,功不可滅。  公元九四五年。  朱漣,技術好。  公元一九四七年。  愚平著作很多,且成立「中國鍼炙學會」。  民國四十四年十二月十七日。  孫培榮(已去世)著《鍼炙驗案彙編》甚爲傑出。  郭家樑著《鍼炙經穴學》。  莊育民著《鍼炙大全講義》,《鍼炙別傳奇穴集》等書。  劉塵嶙編著《鍼炙講義》,秦德實丶修養齊丶黃維三丶成章丶黃朙德丶李景春郭淡如丶李益芳丶崔傑丶袁樹丶戴源長等醫師均有良好之著作及技術,可稱爲鍼炙復興時期。  六十一年法國德拉斐[DELAFAU]發起「國際鍼炙學會」,當時僅有法丶比丶英丶義丶西班牙五國參加,成立大會在巴黎擧行。  在巴黎開第一國際鍼炙學會大會,現在已有一百餘國參加爲會員。  愚平創立中國鍼炙學會,國鍼炙界參加者頗多。  民國六十一年 一.陳怡魁等十六人發起成立「台北鍼炙義診中心」爲貧病服務。 毎日患者多至三百餘人,療效甚佳,中外人士讚不口。 .國科會成立鍼炙硏究組,三軍丶台大丶榮總三大公立醫院開始硏究鍼炙。 三.台北醫學院成立鍼炙社,由陳怡魁主特敎學指導,接著台大醫院也成立鍼炙社。 四.社會知名之士成立中華鍼炙科學基金會,由劉脩如任董事長。〖❂〗


ABOUT DR. SAMUEL CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH HAHNEMANN AND THE BIRTH OF HOMEOPATHY Looking back into the history of mankind, one is often amazed to find the emergence of some outstanding personalities at different intervals of time. Their thoughts and futuristic (read as = unconventional) viewpoints revolutionized existing perspectives in the fields of science, philosophy and social order. The embodiment of such a personality in the field of medicine was Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann (1755~1843), the father of homeopathy. He was born on the 10th of April 1755 in the small town of Meissen, near Dresden, in Germany. A doctor in conventional medicine, by 1790, he was recognized as one of the most distinguished physicians of his generation, and was appointed physician to the King of Germany. Soon, however, he became dissatisfied with contemporary medical ideas and the cruel practices that often ensued, as well as the drugs being prescribed. He realized that many of these medicines owed their pride of place in the Materia Medica due to their very biologically active nature, which could easily occasion death or produce new diseases, on whomsoever they were applied. Disillusioned, Hahnemann renounced his practice of medicine. While engaged in translating a treatise on herbal medicine, he felt dissatisfied with the explanation given for the cure of malarial fever by giving cinchona bark. He took the drug himself in order to investigate the changes induced by it on his healthy system. Strangely, the symptoms of malaria made their appearance in him, one after the other, but without the chilly rigor. This reminded him of Hippocrates' aphorism, “Similia similibus curentur", meaning "Let likes be cured by likes.” Hahnemann felt convinced that the drug, which was the best agent to cure malarial fever, produced in him the initial symptoms of that fever. He then investigated the action, on healthy human beings, of as many as 50 more drugs over a period of six years. He recorded the symptoms produced, and compared them with the symptoms of diseases against which they were used successfully. In 1776, Hahnemann published the results of his findings in a paper entitled “Essay on the new principle for ascertaining the curative power of drugs.” In this, he postulated the most important principle of homeopathy, stating, “Every powerful medicinal substance produces in the human body a kind of peculiar disease, the more powerful the medicine, the more particularly marked and violent the disease. We should imitate nature, which sometimes cures a chronic disease, by superadding another, and employ in the disease (especially chronic) we wish to cure, that medicine which is able to produce another very similar artificial disease, and the former will be cured similia similibus.” In octombrie 1777, baronul Samuel von Brukenthal ii ofera un post de bibliotecar si de medic personal. Hahnemann il urmează pe Brukenthal la Sibiu, unde ramane doi ani. In 1810, he published The Organon of the Rational Art of Healing, his greatest book, wherein he elucidated systematically the methods and principles of a system of medical treatment to which he had given the name of “Homeopathy.”

WHAT IS HOMEOPATHY? Hahnemann (1755~1843) being its founder, homeopathy is a much younger and newer system of medicine than most others. Homeopathy is very different from other systems - in terms of its very perceptions about diseases and ailments, and their treatment and cure. The homeopathic approach is holistic, that is, while treating a patient, a homeopath will consider not only the disease, but the whole constitution of the patient. It is based on the treatment of the patient as a whole, and not on the compartmentalization of the human anatomy. To know about homeopathy, we should know what “individualization” and “similimum” mean, because these two are the basic tenets on which selection of homeopathic medicines depends, as practiced and taught from the time of Hahnemann. What is “individualization”? Every individual person is different from the other-physically, mentally, constitutionally, and in his or her likes and dislikes. In general, we may find some persons alike, but all individuals have their own special features. “Similimum” means the most similar medicine as per symptoms narrated by a patient. After noting down the symptoms of a patient, the physician thinks of a few medicines out of which he finds one medicine which appears to be the most similar to the symptoms narrated, considering the mental and constitutional status for that particular individual. In classical homeopathy, only a single medicine is given in a single dose, and then the patient is observed for his response. Classical homeopathy has, therefore, no specific remedy for any disease by name, but it has specificity for each individual case of disease. A specific drug cannot be used for a specific disease. In general, when a homeopathic physician examines a patient, only a few medicines come to his mind. This small group of medicines exhibits similar symptoms when given to healthy subjects for pharmacological testing, a process called “proving.” Finally, only one is selected as a result of practical experience, and this procedure requires a long and intense interrogation of the patient. In an interesting study of homeopathic diagnosis and treatment, it was shown that a typical classical homeopathic initial consultation took 117 +/- 43 minutes for each adult patient, and 86 +/- 36 minutes for each child patient. Theoretically, there should be only one such medicine considering the entirety of the patient. The homeopathic drug is not administered in usual pharmacological doses, but in minute to ultra-molecular doses prepared according to certain principles. These medicines are produced using various plant extracts, salts, animal products, minerals, etc. and then diluting the extracted mother tincture or the crude materials, as per pharmacopoeial methods. These solutions are serially diluted and succussed (agitated) until the desired potency is produced. Greater dilution leads to greater potency of the medicine. The crude or slightly diluted extract, when ingested by healthy volunteers, produces symptom complexes that mimic various diseases. The symptoms produced and recorded are a result of the dynamic action of drugs on healthy volunteers, or “provers.” The symptoms produced by the drug in “provers” are exactly what the potentized medicine is prescribed for in the sick.

HISTORY OF HOMEOPATHY IN INDIA Because of the economy it offers, homeopathy can be readily associated with India where many in its large population cannot afford the high costs of treatment by conventional medicine. Seen through the mists of time, the early history of the advent of homeopathy in India is a fascinating episode. as early as in 1810, some missionaries landed in Bengal. They used to distribute homeopathic remedies among the poor people to alleviate their sufferings. Slowly, the elite of the society recognized its efficacy, and many civil servants and military personnel became amateur homeopaths. On the other hand, due to the efficacy and affordability of the medicines in the rural environment, many schoolteachers also took to reading the homeopathic materia medicas and prescribing medicines to their village communities. In 1852, the Romanian John M. Hoenigberger from Brasov, who was initiated into homeopathy by Hahnemann himself in Paris in 1835, published a book which gave a glimpse of the beginning of Indian homeopathic practice in Lahore, at the court of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. In his chronicles, he gives a vivid account of his successful treatment of Maharaja Ranjit Singh's chronic disease of partial paralysis. During the second half of the 19th century, some homeopathic dispensaries were opened in Bengal and in southern India. The pioneer in this field in Kolkata was Rajendralal Dutra (1818~1889). He belonged to a scholarly and aristocratic family of Bengal. He engaged a French doctor, Dr. Tonnere, and placed him in charge of a homeopathic hospital and dispensary in Kolkata in 1852. Unfortunately, this venture failed. Subsequently, Rajen Dutra himself took up the cudgels, and started practice in homeopathy. Among his illustrious patients may be mentioned the great early social reformer Pandit Iswarchandra Vidyasagar and Raja Radhakanta Dev Bahadur. Rajen Dutta cured Pandit Vidyasagar of a migraine which the conventional system had failed to cure. Moreover, the cure of a gangrenous ulcer of Raja Radhakanra Dev Bahadur created a sensation in Kolkata at the time. In order to strengthen the roots of homeopathic practice in India, Dutta looked around for a suitable person of eminence. His efforts were crowned with success when he was able to persuade Dr. Mahendralal Sircar, a medical doctor and a skeptic of homeopathy, to test its scientific efficacy and curative potential. In his experiments, the administration of homeopathic medicines became effective even when Dr. Sircar's conventional medicine failed. Thus, Dr. Sircar became converted to homeopathy, and carved a niche for it in the medical history of India. A number of allopathic doctors started homeopathic practice following Sircar's lead. The Calcutta Homeopathic Medical College, the first homeopathic medical college, was established in 1881. This institution took on a major role in popularizing homeopathy in India. Gradually, homeopathic dispensaries opened in other cities like Benares and Allahabad, and by the beginning of the 20th century, homeopathy had spread allover India. The epoch-making statement of Mahatma Gandhi, “Homeopathy …. cures a larger percentage of cases than any other method of treatment, and is beyond doubt safer and more economical and most complete medical science;” added another feather to the cap of homeopathy. In 1973, the Government of India systematized homeopathy by setting up the Central Council of Homeopathy (CCH) to regulate its education and practice. Now, only qualified registered homeopaths can practice homeopathy in India. At present, in India, homeopathy is probably the most popular system of medicine, due to its easy administration in the home setting and its affordability. In India today, there are 162 degree colleges teaching homeopathy, and the largest pool of homeopaths in the world - over 200,000 doctors practice homeopathy. About 100 million people use homeopathy. This is a very conservative estimate because, in the 1950s and 1960s, there were not many conventional doctors available for the treatment of the masses. In that era, most village schoolmasters and scholars educated themselves in this economical and easy-to-administer treatment form. Thus, homeopathy had a much further reach amongst the general population than conventional medicine. Of India's 1.16 billion population, approximately 70% live in villages and rural areas, where access to expensive conventional medical facilities is limited.